New Co-op Stores

Baiko Gakuin University

Café Restaurant “Pane di Vita”

Crowded during lunchtime peak
Alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, etc.) are available to enjoy with your meal.

Artistic chairs are placed in front of the counter.

Information can be found at book racks and digital signage.

Pane di Vita is a café restaurant with a casual Italian theme. Upon the completion of the new school building “Crosslight”, Baiko Gakuin University Co-op were asked by the university to open a restaurant that would be accessible not only to students and faculty, but also to the local community. With a menu and atmosphere unlike any other cafeteria, the restaurant offers freshly baked bread in the morning, lunch plates, pasta and curry on a weekly basis, and an a la carte menu for dinner in the evening.

Since the opening of Pane di Vita, we have seen students enjoying coffee and cake while chatting or studying between classes, professors relaxing in between their research, and local residents visiting the restaurant on Saturdays. Pane di Vita truly creates a new space where people can relax on campus. The restaurant is open until 21.00 on weekdays and 19.00 on Saturdays, making it a popular place for social gatherings.

We will continue to develop the menu and put our best effort in the management of the restaurant. We hope that many co-op members will participate in the process in order to make the restaurant a place loved by everyone.

New School Building “Crosslight”

A comfortable space designed to bring in natural light and breezes, with minimal distinction between classrooms and hallways.

Projectors can project large images on the wall.

At the counter, you can choose from a weekly menu, as well as breads and cakes.

Food is served quickly upon receiving an order.

Soft-tone lighting on the ceilings.

The dining room is near the entrance. Students relax on the sofa.

Brief Profile

Pane di Vita means “Bread of Life” in Italian.

Café Restaurant “Pane di Vita”

Opened in April 2019

Location : Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
Faculty : Literature, Child Development Studies and graduate schools
Campus Population : 1,400 people

Pane di Vita

Floor space: Hall 94.32 ㎡, kitchen 30.72 ㎡
Number of seats : 40
Average number of users : 300 – 350 people/day
Hours : Weekdays 09.00 – 21.00 (weekdays, closed on Sundays and public holidays), 11.00 – 19.00 (Saturdays and school holidays)
