
2022年03月01日(火) | ニュース



第二次大戦における日本の軍国主義化の中で解散を余儀なくされた日本の大学生協は、過去の反省から「よりよき生活と平和のために」のスローガンを掲げて組合員の大学生活を支えてきました。また35年以上続けてきた平和ゼミナール「Peace Now!」 では「過去を省み、自分達の社会の未来を見据えて、今を考え行動できる組合員を増やす」ことを目指して、広島・長崎・沖縄を訪れ、戦争や核兵器の問題について考え続けてまいりました。このような背景を持つ当連合会にとって、対話ではなく、武力・軍事力の行使によって問題解決を図っていること、ましてやプーチン大統領が「ロシアは世界で最も強力な核保有国の一つだ」と核兵器使用も辞さない構えを示したことは到底許されるものではありません。ロシアに対して強く抗議いたします。



会長理事 生源寺眞一

Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

The National Federation of University Co-operative Associations strongly hopes that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia will be settled peacefully. No matter what logic is given, it is impossible to ignore the fact that the use of force causes other unrelated individuals to become involved and cause new casualties.

Japanese university co-operatives, which were forced to dissolve during the militarization of Japan in World War II, have been supporting the university life of our members under the slogan “for a better life and peace.” In “Peace Now!” seminars geared toward students that have been held for more than 35 years, participants visited Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Okinawa to reflect on war and nuclear weapons, with the purpose of increasing the number of students who are able to reflect on the past, think about their own society in the present, and act responsibly. Given this context, it is unacceptable that Russia is seeking to resolve the issue not through dialogue, but through force and military power. Moreover, a statement by President Putin that “Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states” reveals his willingness to use nuclear weapons, which is also unacceptable. We strongly condemn Russia’s actions.

The National Federation of University Co-operative Associations pledged that we will once again work together with our members to learn, inform, think, discuss, and act as a member organization that values democratic decision-making through mutual engagement and communication in order to realize a sustainable society.

March 1, 2022
Shinichi Shogenji
National Federation of University Co-operative Associations
