(1) To reflect changes in universities, university communities, and social factors since the “University Co-op Action Plan for 2020” was created, we have decided to reaffirm our mission. (We have chosen to use the term “University Co-op Values” to reflect the points of views of our members, universities, and society, and to clarify indispensable views, i.e., attitudes and stances, in order to realize the values.)
(2) We have clearly defined what should be accomplished by 2030 as concrete, specific goals (Goals) and action guidelines (Action Plan) for achieving the goals in order to ensure our continued existence and contribution to the university community.
(3) National Federation of University Co-operative Associations and its members are committed to advancing the “University Co-op 2030 Goals” and improving our contributions to our members, universities, and society, further establishing our presence in the 21st century.
(1) Following the confirmation of the formulation's objectives, COVID-19 spread rapidly, changing universities and society dramatically, while strongly affecting university co-ops, both in terms of management and organization.
(2) These issues were presented at the 64th National Federation of University Co-operative Associations as “three crises” for students (crisis of livelihood, crisis of learning, crisis of community), and “three difficult situations” for university co-ops (difficult situations of management, difficult situations of community development, and difficult situations of co-op organization).
(3) In response to these circumstances, the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations has developed a “University Co-op Revitalization Basic Policy,” which aims to revitalize member co-op management and business, along with improving the lives of members.
(1) Many of the changes in universities and society caused by the pandemic are occurring faster than expected or with emphasis on some parts.
(2) It is important that we formulate the “University Co-op 2030 Goals” now, so that we can clearly articulate the values of university co-ops and the goals we will need to achieve in the future. It will ensure the revitalization of university co-ops.
(3) The importance of formulating the “University Co-op 2030 Goals” is further highlighted by this pandemic.
(4) “University Co-operative 2030 Goals” provides guidelines for overcoming the pandemic and promoting revitalization of university co-ops, which focus on the revitalization of university co-ops and their businesses.
University Co-op Vision and Action Plan for the 21st Century (December 2006)
Based on the keywords of “cooperation,” “collaboration,” “independence,” and “participation,” this report identifies four missions and eight visions of the university co-ops for the 21st century, and eight action plans to realize these visions.
University Co-op Action Plan for 2020 (December 2013)
The Action Plan has been revised from the perspectives of responding to changes in students and university life, overcoming the severe business management environment, and reaffirming the role of co-operatives.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals aiming for sustainable and better world by 2030, listed in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted by the UN Summit in September 2015.
Composed of 17 goals and 169 targets, SDGs pledge to “leave no one behind” on Earth. SDGs are intended to be a universal commitment, undertaken by developed and developing countries alike.
We will provide opportunities for interaction between members and members and between members and co-op anytime, anywhere, in a friendly manner.
We will make our stores as a place where members can have experiences and encounters as well as an open place to the community through interaction.
We will provide new students with their first experience connecting with the university and their peers as part of our activities for the new semester, which is recognized by the university and society.
We will be the hub where all university constituents—students, graduate students, international students, faculty, and staff—can participate in activities and connect.
We will offer a learning network that is trusted both by students and universities.
We will work with universities and the community to provide career development support services for students from entrance through graduation.
We will help the students to learn and grow through their participation in co-operative projects and activities.
We will provide support services for dietary habits as a foundation for enhancing mental and physical capacity of our members.
We will contribute to the continuation of study and college life of students, fostering a spirit of mutual support and cooperation.
We will provide support services for the students and help our members lead independent college lives.
We will conduct business and operate stores that serve as a relaxing and warm-hearted place for our members.
We will implement activities, set up a business environment, and ensure a workplace that promotes gender equality and diversity.
We will support students in their daily life and studies through cooperation among co-operatives and with the community.
With our in-depth understanding of university students in Japan, we will continue to disseminate information on student life through surveys, questionnaires, hearings, and dialogues.
We will contribute to the creation of a sustainable, recycling-oriented society by promoting initiatives for carbon, plastic and food loss reduction through our businesses and activities.
We will create an environment that promotes consumer education and growth for our members through our business and activities.
We will work actively to achieve a peaceful society without war, free from structural violence, where individual dignity is protected.
We will play a leading role as a coordinator of welfare services in universities.
We will play a role as a partner in the university management.
We will promote the development of co-operative activities and active public relations to enhance the attractiveness and value of the university.
3-30-22 Wada, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 166-0012, Japan
Tel. 03-5307-1111